Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Dayuhan---again another example of a Russian military decision that in effect is a threat against US interests as well as NATO interests since you asked for examples. Again this decision is being driven by their new military doctrine.

IMO I would see this as a challenge/threat to both NATO and the US.

This is referencing the French sale of there Mistral helicopter carriers to the Russians.

"Meanwhile, current Russian statements indicate that the military apparently has changed its mind about where to deploy its new Mistral-class vessels.

Originally they were to be based at Vladivostok for deployment with Russia's Pacific Fleet. Now, however, the Navy evidently wants to deploy the first two ships in the Black Sea where they could threaten every littoral state in the Balkans, Ukraine, Turkey, and the Caucasus. The potential deployment of the latter two ships in the Baltic Sea has also quite reasonably aroused intense protests from Poland and the Baltic States, all of whom readily remember their many long years spent under Moscow's control.

In this context it becomes clear that from Moscow's standpoint it is winning or at least incurring acceptable costs. Meanwhile the West's behavior merely confirms the official Russian diagnosis that the West is weak, corrupt, divided, and irresolute."
Sorry, if Russia pose not only in your OPINION a strategic thread to Europe, you should be able to explain in a coherent way, copy paste does not count, how Russia could pull of a successful startegy when it has a waker miltary, a waker economy and a political model that is highly unattractive for most us poor souls in Europe.

At the moment I only see some tactical stunts but not a coherent strategy, and it is for me as German interesting that you sell me this as thread. :-)