Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
So, if I may generalize, what I hear Ray and Outlaw saying is that, it is not being Islamic, or being Arab, or being Slavic. It is having an in-group identity that is powerful enough to disallow any recognition of another group's equality or the potential for them being right. That in this situation, power sharing between groups is not possible ... one group must dominate the other, and they will fight to the death until that domination is established.

I guess that does not bod well for a Sunni, Shia, Kurd State.
Well stated---we might in fact call this a "radicalization" of a population and we are seeing this at work in the eastern Ukraine ---the clue is in finding the "trigger" that sets off this "radicalization". The trigger might come from inside the population or from an outside agitator who understands just how to "radicalize" the target population. There is always a buried trigger.

By the way "radicialization" is not discussed in the new COIN FM.