Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
And the show isn't going to stop until at least 2017 when a new administration gets in, if then. The show will go on not only in Iraq but in Af-Pak therefore maybe the entire sub-continent, eastern Europe, Syria, Nigeria and everywhere off the coast of Red China, and those are only the places I can think of.

What I hope you professional military guys are trying to figure out is how bad things are going to be by then and what will be possible, then, not before, with continued force reductions and equipment cuts. It is a very hard problem.
Actually, what I am trying to figure out is at what point I start to care. So far I see no reason to get involved. In fact, I would like to see ISIS attempt to take and hold territory. They are likely to get more resistance from the regional neighbors, some of which we have an interest in weakening.

Perhaps the enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but I am not inclined to spill blood and waste treasure on this at the moment. Lets see how much damage the various players do to each other first.