Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
I don't wish to go OT, but then I am only going by US claims of Freedom and Democracy.

Democracy as I understand is the will of the people and that is indicated by the ballot box. The vote is applicable in all forms of democracy.

Others may not be heirs to the British traditions, but then they still do it by the ballot box.

And even democracies that claim to be purer than the snow of Mount Etna, are not free from aberrations either.

I rather not quote examples.

That said, I am most uncomfortable with the manner in which the leader of Ukraine was removed as also the manner in which Crimea joined Russia.

One was made to flee by muscle power, and the other by muscle power upheld the sanctity of the ballot.

Very odd and very perplexing indeed!
Ray---thought the former Ukrainian President fled his own country as he was afraid that he might be charged with massive corruption and stealing from the Ukrainian people and had as I understood it not even informed his own political Party of the Regions of his decision to flee ---taking based on some reports millions in USDs and kilos of gold bars in five KAMAZ trucks.

His own 27 year old son with no formal business education went inside three years from a nothing to a billionaire---ever wonder how?

Then when the Ukrainian Parliament got official news of his fleeing the country-- remember he contacted no one-- they the parliament then took a vote to depose him from his elected office using the correct paragraphs from the 2004 Ukrainian Constitution which had been reinstated as [art of the 21 Feb agreement. Russians call this a coup--- the West calls it democracy or the will of the people if you ask me.

Also of interest the vote was a super majority vote (0ver 350 for deposing) by the delegates there and it included Yes votes from every member of his own political party---the Party of Regions so his own party deposed him as well something the Russians seem to forget.

One must fully understand before one questions history.