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Thread: Iraq: Out of the desert into Mosul (closed)

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Ulenspiegel View Post
    Sorry Outlaw,

    during their history the SilkRout(s) were only useful when one country controlled a large chunk of them, their last height was when the Khans could maintain the Pax Mongolia. However, the Silk Routes became quite meaningless with larger ships and later railroads, it is nothing worth fighting for sice 1600 AD.
    Ulenspiegel---then the virtual "control" via religion of a Shia global "community" stretching from AFG through Iran, thru Iraq and on to Syria and into Lebanon following the Silk Road means what exactly? Notice how the Silk Road follows the "Green Crescent" or global Shia "communities".

    The following are comments from Khomeini which many in Europe and the US often do not read nor have see before;

    “We have often proclaimed this truth in our domestic and foreign policy, namely that we have set as our goal the world-wide spread of the influence of Islam and the suppression of the rule of the world conquerors … We wish to cause the corrupt roots of Zionism, capitalism and Communism to wither throughout the world. We wish, as does God almighty, to destroy the systems which are based on these three foundations, and to promote the Islamic order of the Prophet … in the world of arrogance.”

    “We shall export our revolution to the whole world. Until the cry `There is no God but God` resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle.”

    “Establishing the Islamic state world-wide belong to the great goals of the revolution.”

    These comments were the background comments in his concept of the "Green Crescent".

    These are thoughts and ideas currently floating in the ME concerning the "Green Crescent".

    The king of Jordan has worried aloud about the rise of a “Shiite crescent” in the Arab east that would ally with Shiite Iran and menace the traditional monarchies.

    Amman worries that the new Shiite axis of Baghdad and Tehran will have natural allies in a Syria dominated by Alawis (an offshoot of Shiites) and in the Shiite Hezbollah Party of southern Lebanon. Shiites may now be over 40 percent of the Lebanese population, and they will likely form a majority of
    the country within 20 years. A Shiite Iraq would also inevitably establish ties with the Shiite majority in Bahrain and the Shiite plurality in the oil-rich Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. (Ever wondered why the KSA is totally against an Iranian hegemony?)

    The old sectarian balance in the eastern Arab world, with Sunni rulers and Shiite ruled, is coming unraveled as Shiite masses are mobilized into new forms of sectarian politics.

    The Khomeinists were deeply disappointed that no Arab state adopted their new system, since their aspirations had been pan-Islamic. Until 2003, Iranian Khomeinist influences had been largely contained in the Arab world, although Tehran had a foothold in Lebanon through the radical Hezbollah
    Party. With religious Shiite parties now operating freely in Iraq, and even influencing government policy and the wording of the new constitution, Khomeini’s ideas have finally entered a phase of wider practical influence.

    Some in the ME will privately say that the overthrowing of a secular nationalist Sunni leader who was a buffer nation unleased a tidal wave that we are now currently seeing in the ME-there is some truth in this.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-14-2014 at 07:08 PM.

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