Quote Originally Posted by fthoya View Post
Sir I agree with your distinction between the two and as a new member I will be getting my feet wet with all the input by others. It has been my exp. in Afghanistan that there are few Terrorists and more insurgents, but what I have seen or understand is that the few Terror cells, control these insurgents. These uneducated misguided insurgents will shoot an RPG or dig in an IED for a few thousand Pakistan Rupees with no reason behind it, except to get money. They have no ideals and will go to the person that is paying the most. So what do we do target the Terrorists or the insurgents? I think it is a double edge sword, because if you kill the terrorists, more will fill the ranks because of beliefs and ideals. As for the insurgents they will lose heart because they have no real stake in the struggle.
"Then the 'simplest', and by that I don't mean either cheap or easy, solution is to rebuild their economy. I used to work with a friend who grew up in the camps around Peshawar and, from what she told me, you could easily hire an army of "insurgents" as long as you had enough cash and a decent cadre."Marc W.D. Tyrrell, Ph.D

Gentleman, you are right-on target. That is the reason I wanted to make it clear that we must make a distinction between a Terrorist and an Insurgent. The Insurgent has "no ideals and will go to the person that is paying the most," they are motived by primal human needs, wants and desires. The terrorist (individuals) on the otherhand are nothing but an Ideology. They have such deeply held beliefs that they are considered radical, and extreme. They will not apostatize.

I say this to make the point that in order to create sustainability in Iraq, we must jumpstart the economy through a government work program for the men 18-45. It is the "Velocity of Money" that will solve the problems in Iraq.