At the weekend Tony Blair released an essay on his website, which was republished widely. To say the least it has stirred up a reaction.

It is a long essay so I have only selected one paragraph:
Indeed we now have three examples of Western policy towards regime change in the region. In Iraq, we called for the regime to change, removed it and put in troops to try to rebuild the country. But intervention proved very tough and today the country is at risk again. In Libya, we called for the regime to change, we removed it by air power, but refused to put in troops and now Libya is racked by instability, violence and has exported vast amounts of trouble and weapons across North Africa and down into sub- Saharan Africa. In Syria we called for the regime to change, took no action and it is in the worst state of all.

Boris Johnson, the Conservative elected Mayor of London, has responded in his own style and one sentence from the start:
In discussing the disaster of modern Iraq he made assertions that are so jaw-droppingly and breathtakingly at variance with reality that he surely needs professional psychiatric help.

For many of Blair's opponents in the UK he is irrelevant today. Boris has his own agenda and is the first significant public figure to openly challenge him, who voted for the original war.