Quote Originally Posted by mirhond View Post
You forgot to mention that the majority Ukrainian soldiers (who are either conscripts or contract soldiers) participating in COIN are not going to die for "Poroshenko's yacht", and the only reliable and highly motivated troops available for Kiev are the National Guard made of die-hard Ukrainian Nazi, that's why it took entire month and several thousand of foot solders in the field to chase off a handful of separatists from small town Krasny Liman, for example.
"Ukropians" amassed from 10,000 to 30,000 of regulars with armor, artillery and airpower against no more than 3,000-5,000 militias (well, probably 20% of them are hardened Soviet veterans and even Russian serviceman on duty) equipped with no more than infantry weapons - and still they have no major success.
Your tale of is wishful thinking.
And mirhond you seemed to have overlooked my comment which pointed to a Russian fascist group by name that made they arrival announcement in eastern Ukraine three days ago.

So Russian fascists are what better or worse than Ukrainian fascists?

Come on mirhond---that is a tired record you all keep repeating concerning Nazi's---I thought the victorious Rad Army destroyed them in 1945?---but wait why are they then still existing in Russia?

Answer--Russia does not have fascists---but wait they actually do--so who is lying you or Putin?

See --Russia claims to want and need the OCSE-- BUT wait is it not Russian Cossacks that kidnapped an entire OCSE team including one Russian---come on mirhond you have got to get better.

By the way you failed to respond to the pictures of Russian military equipment "checked out by someone in Russia" that is in the Ukraine complete with Russian Army documents---BUT wait the Ukrainians are Nazi's so the documents and equipment are wait fakes?

come on mirhond you all have to get better at this.