OK thanks, David.

I guess we get to the question as to whether the British Army actually believe that a soldier can engage in any reasonably intense combat carrying the sort of loads you mention?

As a matter of interest how much water is included in that load you mention?

Quote Originally Posted by David I Evans View Post
JMA, Yes, those figures include Ospery.

My trip on Herrick 15 started training in January, about 5 months before mobilisation(I'm a reservist) with just ECBA, which is lighter but doesn't have the facility to attach pouches to it. We only got Osprey in time for the last major exercise before deployment but that was without the large plates.

Specialist equipment can be anything from assault ladders, cutters, ECM, Vallon and all the stuff that goes with marking, cameras and crap....

Most of it is just bulky and awkward. The current issue assault ladder is a bit lighter but still a sod to carry