I wonder if the blame directed at Gorbachev by Russians is related to the more recent Chinese Communist Party's considerable efforts to specifically avoid a Chinese flavoured Soviet collapse?

Are Russians angry that Soviet leaders were unable to manage a transition like the Chinese have(albeit based on a Soviet economic transformation operations manual of "what not to do")

Would Russian anger directed at Gorbachev relate to wondering over what would have happened with the Soviet Union had it maintained an iron fist on political/personal freedom while enabling economic freedom and privatizing parts of the economy?

Basically Stalinism meets coalface entrepreneurism.

Or would Russian anger also relate to failure to prevent possibly the greatest theft in human history(prior to the recent GFC) when Soviet state assets were sold for fractions of a penny on the dollar and the rise of the insider connected oligarghs?

I've read estimates of $200-300 US billion in value back when $200-300 billion was real money.