AmericanPride, fact is that in Russia-Urkaine war Russian side has violated several agreements.

Some Russians claim that this is the beginning of new era of international relations and old agreements are not binding.

To follow your logic there must be done grand scale borders redrawing in Middle East. Let's start with Iraq and Afganistan. Sounds good?

Should we follow Huntington's map?

If you follow this Putin's definition I'm wondering when he intends to come to Brighton beach and liberate all Russian jews from Israel

[O]ur compatriots [sootechestvenniki], Russian people [russkiie lyudi], people of other ethnicities, their language, history, culture, their legitimate rights. When I say Russian people and Russian-speaking [russkoyazychnyie) citizens, I mean people who sense that they are a part of the broad Russian World, not necessarily of Russian ethnicity, but everyone who feels to be a Russian person [russkiy chelovek].