Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
A little more background

two western reactions I could find. Comments by two "Western" Muslims who think that the dream of the Caliphate is not as important to modern Muslims as it was to the older generations.


TC---the series of speeches by al Baghdadi over say the last year that have appeared on the social media side are targeting young male Muslims---alone here in Germany the German Federal Defense of the Constitution (BfV) estimates the number of Islamists ie their term for Salafists at approximately 43,000---then take country for country inside the EU and one comes to numbers in the 100s of thousand "interested" disaffected Muslim males of war fighting age who want to prove themselves as "warriors".

The core question then becomes why are they disaffected in their various European countries?---my answer is for some reason the Muslim communities much as say the Hispanic communities in the US tend to not want to fully integrate into the standard society out of fear of losing their identities and language.