An African "lurker" has responded:
The author makes some valid points. However, I suspect that the influence by the US institution has somewhat coloured his views.

Additionally, I am sick of Africna governments and armies always pointing a finger at colonialism - I know I am not being politically correct in this statement but it happens to be true. But, I suspect the dig at the "colonialists" was also encouraged by "you know who".

Until Africa takes control of its own destiny, it will forever remain in a state of conflict and war (my opinion). It can only take control of itself when it recognises what has passed, has passed and cannot be undone. Then of course, there is seldom a national strategy, let alone a national security strategy. Intelligence is shoddy to non-existent and governments govern for themselves and not the people.

He is correct that professionalism is lacking but its root cause I believe lies in nepotistic appointments within the armed forces. Then of course, the "foreign military partnerships" that (again my belief) train African armies to fail.