"The sizzle" is those distinguishing factors, be it shared grievance (powerless peasants vs entitled landholders in Asia and virtually every place colonized by Spain); or some characteristic such as race, tribe or sect that has served to determine who is in power and who is out of power.

"The Steak" is the real issue: Governance and Power. When governance is not equitable and when no effective legal means within the context of the culture of the people involved exists to address inequities, or illegitimacies, or flat out abuses of power - Revolutionary energy will build and teams will form along the lines that divide the issue.
Agreed sir but we need to stay abreast of what is going on with that sizzle since that is what the most malevolent actors focus on, and beat the drum about when whipping up more adherents to the cause.

It follows along the line of "some folks are never happy".