Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
KingJaja, that is exactly my point. It gets a bit tiresome when a South African is constantly attacking U.S. policy, when they're a non-player. The U.S. has its own interests, and its own issues (politically and economically), and despite our many challenges name another country that tries to help humanity on the scale of the U.S.? Yet, and while understandable, the U.S. constantly endures verbal and written attacks by pundits from insignificant countries who do little to nothing on the world stage. Reminds me of the Teddy Roosevelt comment, much paraphrased, that the credit belongs to the man in the arena, whether he triumphs or fails, not the critic on the sideline.
If it's true though, you gotta listen. We try, us flyover people and guys like you. Our failures aren't for the lack of effort and goodwill. We fail because of our leaders, a class of people who have neither character, wit, intelligence nor intellectual honesty. The furiners who comment around here without exception realize that. They know it isn't the Americans, it's the wizards inside the beltway.