Dayuhan--never doubt the Russian ability to use a False Flag operation on their own population if it meets their political needs.

This series of analysis conducted by the Ukraine@war group which were the first OSINT bloggers to truly prove the Buk was irregular controlled and even figured out where the launch site was--took the SBU statements from yesterday concerning the Buk was to have shot down an Aeroflot airliner thus giving Russia the excuse to cross the border and to secure their airliner--but due to the wrong same name they shot down MH17.

Check out thoroughly the OSINT work done by this blogger group and you will notice they come to the decision that yes the SBU might be in fact correct in their alleging the Russians in fact wanted to shot down their own airliner.

Having worked the analysis world their work is actually well done especially coming from open source materials.

What is interesting is that the next day after the shot down the Russian MoD claimed there was an aircraft flying just behind the MH17 but they claimed it was a SU25 which is all but impossible---but in fact the Areoflot airliner was trailing and a tad higher than MH17 and I am betting this is the so called "SU25".