Quote Originally Posted by outlaw
AP--you really believe that the US is not a declining power?
I believe the perception of the decline of U.S. power is less a function of an absolute reduction of U.S. capabilities and more the consequence of the relative increase of power of other states; namely China and Russia. The U.S. does have serious structural problems it needs to fix in the long-term.

First, you say this:

Quote Originally Posted by Outlaw
while you want to negotiate over what I am not sure Russia has made two serious attempts to move in their "peacekeeping Brigades" which by the way I helped to train their staffs in 2012/2013 in the concept of how the US carries out peacekeeping ops so I fully understand it when they use the term peacekeeping as I had spent hours driving out of their minds peacekeeping means actually shooting civilians as they knew only one thing in peacekeeping---shooting and asking questions far, far later.
Then you say:

Quote Originally Posted by outlaw
Right now the US is in effect fighting a two front war---the Ukraine and over Iraq--and because we are a declining power we cannot engage both fully thus we have not been focusing verbally and sanction wise on the Russian moves the last three days.
Leading to your conclusion that:

Quote Originally Posted by outlaw
One must constantly engage the global public when Russia makes a move--if there is no worldwide comments against them then Russia interprets that as a positive response for what they do---has always been that way even in the CW days.
It now appears that you are advocating nothing more than expressing diplomatic indignation. I thought Russia was a second-rate power with nothing to offer the world? Now the U.S. is incapable of doing anything about it other than snubbing its nose?