Dayuhan--you asked for what red lines have been crossed---Google the Helsinki Accords and reread them in detail and then state whether you think the former Soviet Union now Russia is in violation of the Helsinki Accords which laid down even for the SU Communist Party certain standards for both the East and West.

You will notice that Putin and company have attempted for the last decade to undermine the Helsinki Accords.

Then ask yourself why he is undermining them just at this time ie the Crimea and eastern Ukraine and then ask yourself does the current Putin Doctrine of "World Russia" meaning Russia can effectively enter any country they feel is mistreating Russians ---is it in fact a direct challenge to the Accords.

Once you work your way through the Accords---really read them then I will show you the next line that was crossed.

We will go baby step through baby step so the line crossings become extremely clear as many commenting here seem to have not noticed them for some strange reason.