1st week of August turned out to be the deadliest week in Iraq of 2014. Over 1800 casualties. Insurgents launched offensives in Sinjar west of Mosul and in Qaraqosh area to the east in Ninewa, took Jalawla in eastern Diyala as well. Both situations were only stabilized with the arrival of Kurdish forces from Syria, Turkey and Iran. If not for them the peshmerga might have broken like the ISF did before. Insurgents also laid siege to Haditha, Anbar in attempt to take dam there. In Baghdad IS launched latest car bomb wave as militias continued to kidnap, kill and dump bodies of their victims. Babil ISF launched 10th sec op of the year to clear northern section and will probably fail again. Week showed that two months after the fall of Mosul militants still hold the initiative and are choosing the time and place for engagements in Iraq. Baghdad and Irbil completely on the defensive. Here's a link to my article with extensive charts and figures.