Seems that others in fact see the Russian troop and weapons movements as a Russian invasion.

Some here often pointed out the west did not know what the Russian demands were or that NATO had somehow violated an agreement that never existed outside of a personal one on one- one time event in the early 90s

Seems to me Putin has never come off his own declared doctrine of I can defend/invade countries if my fellow ethnic Russians are somehow discriminated against and his new political warfare using the strategy of UW.

Seems to me that even in the face of sanctions which are hurting his economy massively right now he still has not come off of those two stated demands---so how was again were negotiations to stop him?

And again I will point out---absolutely no responses from the west on the invasion efforts by Putin and his irregular/regular forces.

It is almost like everyone is watching the "aid convoy" and not noticing at night the massive movement of troops and heavy equipment across the same border area.