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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    BW---it is far deeper than UW--and by the way you did notice that the Russian soldiers are in fact defense contractors so therefore he can actually argue which he does "there are no Russian soldiers in the Ukraine"--notice no one asks the question well what about defense contractors---he would not answer it anyway as you will notice he does when the questions get to close to the reality.

    By the way the use of defense contracting "companies" are part and parcel of his new UW strategy which was published for all to see and read in 2013.

    This is an excellent article by the current Director of the Carnegie Center Moscow and goes to what he is calling the New Russian National Strategy going forward which is interesting if one matches it to the New Generation Warfare and the New Russian Nuclear Strategy from late 2012.

    There is a paragraph that grabbed my attention like a red flag---Stalin once told a high level group of Soviet Communist Party members in 1939 after the German/Russian agreements---roughly the following---yes we will sign agreements and yes we will hold to them--BUT if it goes against us then we will ignore them.

    Russia will also feel free to withdraw from international treaties and agreements if it concludes that they no longer serve its national interests. In particular, this may apply to the 1987 U.S.-Soviet Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which banned both countries from having a whole class of missile systems, but left the rest of the world free to arm itself with them. Likewise, Russian participation in the European Court of Human Rights is in danger: Moscow considers the court to be too politicized. Neither decision has been taken yet, but warnings have been served. Note: right after the US pointed out the Russian INF violation they complained 1) the accusations should have been in private and not for the world to hear and 2) a top active duty Russian General stated the treaty does us no good---let's simply leave it.

    Russia joined all these international organizations to in fact defend themselves and to use them for their own benefit but has since the Crimea they have seen that they can be used against them---ie the Yukos decision, the pending decision in Stockholm on Gazprom's Ukrainian gas price fixing and the lack of support from the WTO against the sanctions.

    Read the paragraph---then the questions begs to be asked---what has changed inside Russia in 2014 that was not already there in 1939? Or is basically Russia just a continuation of the Soviet Union just under a new name?
    What has he gained from a strategy of deniability that no one actually believes? What would have been the result of simply seizing Eastern Ukraine and Crimea when this started?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrentWilliams View Post
    What has he gained from a strategy of deniability that no one actually believes? What would have been the result of simply seizing Eastern Ukraine and Crimea when this started?
    BW--it is not what he gains but what he can "sell" and right now he is selling the story "it ain't his troops, money or mercenaries" extremely well.

    Like water off a ducks back one might say.

    Remember what he is selling is not always focused at the EU/US but at his internal consumer who will elect him overwhelmingly in the next election.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    BW--it is not what he gains but what he can "sell" and right now he is selling the story "it ain't his troops, money or mercenaries" extremely well.

    Like water off a ducks back one might say.

    Remember what he is selling is not always focused at the EU/US but at his internal consumer who will elect him overwhelmingly in the next election.
    An invasion could have been just as easily been sold to that audience. Protecting Russian people from harm, etc. The Russian people have never not backed him on this and would have backed other options. He controls the message and could have crafted the message needed to sell an invasion to protect the Russian minorities in Ukraine.

  4. #4
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    I found this interesting.

    WASHINGTON — As Ukrainian leaders warned on Monday of “a great war” with Russia, NATO leaders meeting in Wales this week were expected to endorse their most concrete response yet to increased Russian military intervention in Ukraine: establishing a rapid-reaction force capable of deploying quickly to Eastern Europe, officials of the alliance said.

    The new force of some 4,000 troops, capable of moving on 48 hours’ notice, will be supported with logistics and equipment pre-positioned in Eastern European countries closer to Russia, with an upgraded schedule of military exercises and deployments that are intended to make NATO’s commitment of collective defense more credible and enhance its deterrence.
    We need to use Russian actions as a clear message to all of Eastern Europe(Finland, Sweden, Georgia, etc) that joining NATO is the only means to ensure their security.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrentWilliams View Post
    I found this interesting.

    We need to use Russian actions as a clear message to all of Eastern Europe(Finland, Sweden, Georgia, etc) that joining NATO is the only means to ensure their security.
    BW---Germany has blocked Georgia and the Ukraine from NATO since 2008.

  6. #6
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    This appears to be another example of the current Russian "altered state of reality".

    The country goes through a massive Maidan uprising in the freezing cold and getting 100s injured or killed just to define their own rule of law and good governance and head towards Europe as a goal.

    Which did not set well with Russia who wanted to reestablish their sphere of influence and wanted the Ukraine in the EEC not in the EU---which then triggered the Russian UW/political war with the Ukraine and the resulting invasion when it appeared that they rag tag Ukrainian Army was in fact defeating the Russia mercenaries.

    Now again in this Russian FM statement released via RIA one sees that if the Ukraine is driving still towards the EU and eventually NATO the Russian FM basically threatened more invasion and violence.

    Changing one's country status is a population decision not a decision by Russia in another country.

    MOSCOW, September 2 (RIA Novosti) – Ukraine’s initiative to change its “non-bloc status” and join NATO undermines efforts in settling the Ukrainian crisis peacefully, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday.

    “There is one very interesting fact: that this initiative appeared right after the meeting in Minsk where agreements on the process of the Contact Group were trying to find a commonly acceptable decision on the current domestic crisis in Ukraine,” Lavrov said during a live televised joint press conference with Tunisian Foreign Minister Mongi Hamdi.

    Lavrov said that the “peace party” in Kiev is trying to develop a negotiation-based and political solution to the crisis in Ukraine, whereas the “war party” is taking steps “targeted at undermining these efforts.”

    “It’s quite unfortunate that such moods in strengthening the positions of the ‘war party’ are actively warmed up and urged on out of Washington and several European capitals, and more and more often out of Brussels and from the NATO Headquarters where the secretary-general of the North Atlantic Alliance with or without reason comes out with announcements that do not fall under his jurisdiction,” Lavrov said.

    Last week, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk introduced legislation to the country’s parliament to drop its “non-aligned bloc” status, renewing its path to becoming a member of NATO.

  7. #7
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    It has been simply amazing these last six months in watching how one country and it's senior leader Putin and it's FM time after time after time completely reverse reality.

    Thus my statement they are residing currently in an "altered state of reality" having believed their own propaganda.

    Open source viedoes, photos, and journalist interviews --countless in number have repeated shown the Russian irregulars and mercenaries shelling their own villages, and towns, encircling their own villages and towns, shelling/killing civilians attempting to flee the fighting and indiscriminately killing, looting, raping, and torturing civilians and Ukrainain military personnel.

    Not the Ukrainian Army -----and yet Putin and his FM continue to state "we had to step in to keep the Ukrainian Army for destroying cities, villages and towns by shelling and launching ballistic missiles/using illegal weapons ie WP and cluster munitions, and indiscriminately killing civilians"---civilians meaning "Russians"--notice they never mention Ukrainian citizens living in eastern Ukraine.

    When in the face of the overwhelming open source---both are outright lying.

    It is the ability to see reality and yet claim to have "seen something else" hat in fact makes leaders extremely dangerous.

    From today's Der Spiegel Online--in German--goes straight into this "altered state of reality".

    Basically it is calling Putin a blatant lair.

    So again the question to commenters---if a leader is a blatant lair then how can the West "trust" anything he says?

  8. #8
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    Some here would think the Russian Defense Ministry and a Russian mercenary are smoking pot if their statements were not so darn serious.

    Yesterday via YouTube a Russian mercenary called Motorola threatened to fire BM21/27s missiles into Poland for the Polish voiced support for the Ukraine and more and more Polish fighters joining the UA Army to fight Russians.

    Then we have the Russian Defense Minister via back channels basically threatening to fire tactical nuclear weapons at the Ukrainian Army if they do not stop fighting both the Russian Army and the Russian mercenaries.

    It seems the longer this rag tag army of the Ukraine hangs on and the higher the Russian military WIA/KIA tolls go the more ludicrous the statements are that are being made by Putin, his FM, and now his DM.

    Everything from being in Kiev in two weeks, to "Russian soldiers are on vacations and took their tanks with them", to no Russian military inside the Ukraine and now to nuclear weapon threats to yes I want a new state called "New Russian" in the former eastern/southern Ukraine and along the way I also want Kazakhstan.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    BW---Germany has blocked Georgia and the Ukraine from NATO since 2008.
    Yes, an expansive NATO was seen as encouraging Russian aggression. However, Russian actions are continuing to change that judgement. One thing Putin is getting from this is a rejuvenated NATO. He may very well get an expanded NATO.

    Ukraine is reversing course and going down that road.

  10. #10
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    Article about fallen Russian soldier from 19th brigade. Take a look at the pic, how they turned to be rebels. No polite green men fashion anymore. They are using same withe stripes of cloth like that Chechen video showed.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    Article about fallen Russian soldier from 19th brigade. Take a look at the pic, how they turned to be rebels. No polite green men fashion anymore. They are using same withe stripes of cloth like that Chechen video showed.
    kaur---you will notice on some video analysis work by that depicted a Russian SF recon unit inside the Ukraine several days before the actual crossing of Russian troops---they all wore white pieces of cloth on their uniforms---was also carried two months ago in three or four other videos---but supposedly from irregulars---begs the question below.

    You are right it is the same markings as seen with the "little green men" initially in the Crimea when this all started.

    question----If you look at the Navy SEAL video and analysis---he had been in the Ukraine---at least from his Russian social media page since Feb 2014. so when really did Russian start moving FSB/GRU and SF personnel into the Ukraine--apparently during the Maidan.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrentWilliams View Post
    Yes, an expansive NATO was seen as encouraging Russian aggression. However, Russian actions are continuing to change that judgement. One thing Putin is getting from this is a rejuvenated NATO. He may very well get an expanded NATO.

    Ukraine is reversing course and going down that road.
    BW---as much as I beat up on the Russian leadership or lack thereof something is bubbling up from former liberal advisors next to Putin who are no longer in the inner circle.

    1. about 1-2 months ago a simple three/four paragraph article was lanced into the blogging world which indicated that the author had been immensely surprised by the speed of the sanctions, the severity and for him the aggressiveness that he would not have anticipated seeing from the West.

    The article was out for about three days and then drifted away with no follow up.

    2. then today another quick series of paragraphs in the Russian news agency RIA indicating 1) the Russian decision makers are not fully understanding the West and 2) the West is not fully understanding Russian views points.

    There seems to be the desire by some of Putin's inner circle for a "new Yalta" meeting---which would again "divide up the world into spheres of influence"--might in fact be coming from Putin himself.

    Putin desperately wants a sphere of influence and does not yet fully understand that since the Wall came down 25 years ago that concept died a sudden and final death in Europe as a whole.

    In some aspects that is why he is clashing with the West--Europe as a whole views the sphere thing totally dead and Putin is trying to resurrect it in the vision of the old SU.

    What is interesting in this article is the fact that several weeks ago the Russian FM actually came out in a short release basically pleading with the West---what is it you all want as we do not understand.

    What struck me was the honesty and bluntness of the comment which might have in fact been correct. When you see the massive amounts of junk the RIA places into space that release stuck out like a red flag--but then it suddenly disappeared as well.

    IMO they have been trying to talk with the West---it is simply they do not know how to without using the terms from the SU/Cold War days but that is because his inner circle advisors are ultra nationalists,/fascists and hardliners who basically hate the West and it's values.

  13. #13
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    For those following Putin's comments--this Ukrainian writer sums up Putin's long term moves inside the Ukraine and it does not have anything to do with mistreated ethnic Russians or "New Russia".

    But we all know too well that Putin needs the “LNR” and “DNR” only as a springboard for further destabilization of the situation and exclusion of the entire south and east from Ukraine. The Kremlin doesn’t need the heaps of Donbas–it needs the scientific and industrial potential of Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia, as well as the strategic territory in the south represented by Odesa, Kherson and Mykolaiv Oblasts (in terms of support of Crimean livelihood and the connection to Transnistria, and taking control of the entire Ukrainian coast of the Azov and the Black Sea). This is a minimal program. Where the Moscow’s potentate [ambition] brings him next–is another question..

    The question raised---"where does it bring Putin next" is valid and should be kept in the back of one's mind when Putin talks about the Ukraine.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    IMO they have been trying to talk with the West---it is simply they do not know how to without using the terms from the SU/Cold War days but that is because his inner circle advisors are ultra nationalists,/fascists and hardliners who basically hate the West and it's values.
    Didn't you claim that they were irrational, criminal, rogues who behaved unpredictably because of their "altered state of reality" and had no interest in negotiations? So what are they trying to talk about?

    So - as predicted - Moscow escalates its commitment in Ukraine to forestall the defeat of its proxies at the hands of the Ukrainian Army. NATO announces the creation of a new task force and now we wait for the Russian response - the movement of missiles, the redeployment of troops, the termination of another treaty? My question to you has been and still remains - what outcome is in the best interest of the U.S. and where (and how) does the cycle of escalation end?
    When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles. - Louis Veuillot

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    BW---as much as I beat up on the Russian leadership or lack thereof something is bubbling up from former liberal advisors next to Putin who are no longer in the inner circle.

    1. about 1-2 months ago a simple three/four paragraph article was lanced into the blogging world which indicated that the author had been immensely surprised by the speed of the sanctions, the severity and for him the aggressiveness that he would not have anticipated seeing from the West.

    The article was out for about three days and then drifted away with no follow up.

    2. then today another quick series of paragraphs in the Russian news agency RIA indicating 1) the Russian decision makers are not fully understanding the West and 2) the West is not fully understanding Russian views points.

    There seems to be the desire by some of Putin's inner circle for a "new Yalta" meeting---which would again "divide up the world into spheres of influence"--might in fact be coming from Putin himself.

    Putin desperately wants a sphere of influence and does not yet fully understand that since the Wall came down 25 years ago that concept died a sudden and final death in Europe as a whole.

    In some aspects that is why he is clashing with the West--Europe as a whole views the sphere thing totally dead and Putin is trying to resurrect it in the vision of the old SU.

    What is interesting in this article is the fact that several weeks ago the Russian FM actually came out in a short release basically pleading with the West---what is it you all want as we do not understand.

    What struck me was the honesty and bluntness of the comment which might have in fact been correct. When you see the massive amounts of junk the RIA places into space that release stuck out like a red flag--but then it suddenly disappeared as well.

    IMO they have been trying to talk with the West---it is simply they do not know how to without using the terms from the SU/Cold War days but that is because his inner circle advisors are ultra nationalists,/fascists and hardliners who basically hate the West and it's values.
    I think that is about right. They see themselves as a world power and think they should have cold war type influence. But the problem is, they really aren't that significant of a player. You may disagree with this, but to me military power is based off of economic power. The reason we have a military that is strong is because we have an American economy that can support the type of diversified labor needed for that modern military. Russia is a sick country with major economic and demographic problems. Long term, its only hope is integration with Europe, not a return to the Cold War.

    That said, if they think it is in their interest to destabilize their neighbors and act against international norms, we should act. We might not have the political will to directly intervene here, but bigger picture we do have the will to do a lot that will affect Russia. We have shown the will for deeper economic sanctions. That will worsen their own internal problems long term. Security assistance to the Ukraine might be on the table. However, also of significant is a rejuvenated NATO which should expand and hem Russia in. It is time to draw a line and back it up with NATO and article 5.
    Last edited by BrentWilliams; 09-03-2014 at 12:33 AM.

  16. #16
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    Come on you all smart guys, answer me, why would you believe USA government is telling the truth about Russia when he has been lying for 1000s of years?

    Come on, I dare you.

  17. #17
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    23 pages of anti Russia anti Putin propaganda and not one real intelligent post. How sad.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petkov View Post
    23 pages of anti Russia anti Putin propaganda and not one real intelligent post. How sad.

    Petrov---I will give you an answer---did you as a Russian ever stop to think where all the gas/oil wealth went to---certainly you did not get the billions onto your bank account from your comments here.

    Secondly--just take a look at the current Russian society--and tell me and others here there is not a Fascist/Neo Nazi Revival inside Russian.

    Just how many Russian ultra nationalists/Neo Nazi/Fascist Russian "legal" groups are in fact fighting now against "other alleged Fascists " in the Ukraine

    Answer the question.

    Last time I countered---seven different groups---there are not that many Neo Nazi's left in Germany.

    So before you rant and rave--answer the question just how is it that the former Soviet Union spins so many different Nazi groups up to fight?

    Do you not think that Russia is in fact ultra nationalist with neo imperial dreams?

    Read this article my friend---- YES FASCISM is alive and well in Russia.

    Besides they are having a Russian approved Fascism Council meeting in the coming weeks at Yalta---answer the question comrade---why is that?
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-03-2014 at 06:41 AM.

  19. #19
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    Story about Russian airborne trooper, who played Ukrainian "Berkut" trooper at the time of Crimean referendum.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    Story about Russian airborne trooper, who played Ukrainian "Berkut" trooper at the time of Crimean referendum.
    It appears from this link that this Russian soldier was in fact Russian SF, was in the Crimea in a Berkut uniform prior to changing into his Russian uniform---article indicates they have found with some ease three other Russian airborne types all wearing Berkut uniforms.

    Begs the question---just how many so called Ukrainian Berkut in and around the Maidan were in fact Russian SF wearing Berkut uniforms and provoking the Maidan crowds with their aggressiveness and shooting of the demonstrators?

    A large number of social media photos of this one Russian soldier.

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