It has been simply amazing these last six months in watching how one country and it's senior leader Putin and it's FM time after time after time completely reverse reality.

Thus my statement they are residing currently in an "altered state of reality" having believed their own propaganda.

Open source viedoes, photos, and journalist interviews --countless in number have repeated shown the Russian irregulars and mercenaries shelling their own villages, and towns, encircling their own villages and towns, shelling/killing civilians attempting to flee the fighting and indiscriminately killing, looting, raping, and torturing civilians and Ukrainain military personnel.

Not the Ukrainian Army -----and yet Putin and his FM continue to state "we had to step in to keep the Ukrainian Army for destroying cities, villages and towns by shelling and launching ballistic missiles/using illegal weapons ie WP and cluster munitions, and indiscriminately killing civilians"---civilians meaning "Russians"--notice they never mention Ukrainian citizens living in eastern Ukraine.

When in the face of the overwhelming open source---both are outright lying.

It is the ability to see reality and yet claim to have "seen something else" hat in fact makes leaders extremely dangerous.

From today's Der Spiegel Online--in German--goes straight into this "altered state of reality".

Basically it is calling Putin a blatant lair.

So again the question to commenters---if a leader is a blatant lair then how can the West "trust" anything he says?