Dayuhan---And sanctions do not work? By the way this is taken Dayuhan from social media---have you seen anything reported by the standard media yet on the items mentioned below--that is the power and speed of social media.

Siluanov's comments imply that any financial assistance to Rosneft & Novatek is likely to be a fraction of the amount requested by Rosneft and this does not include the six banks hit who are also asking for financial support to survive through to the end of 2014--and sanctions are not working?--then the sinking income from oil/gas and where does it then stop financially for the Russian CB?

NOTE: Rosneft must pay back at the end of 2014 almost 46B in credit lines and long term bank loans/bonds.

Russian companies have been playing the great Ponzi scheme of where is the pea by taking out large western bank loans on virtually no interest charges in order to hold onto their own capital--normal for businesses, but now for some reason those billions they are suppose to have had in their bank accounts seem to not be there---wonder what personal bank account in the UK or Switzerland they are sitting in?

Siluanov: Russia is ready to support sanctions-hit energy companies #Rosneft & #Novatek from its National Wealth Fund

NOTE: There is talk of over 70% of the National Wealth Fund being given to Rosneft--so much for future Russian pension raises. But then this comment late yesterday.

Siliuanov: "It's been decided so far not to unseal the remaining 40% [of NWF]. This is our strategic reserve"