The President does have a Strategy by the current definition of a Strategy "Ends,Ways,Means". Problem is that isn't going to work anymore,especially against this crew. You essentially have an Psychopathic Islamic Army and yes Islam...the Koran is the source! Until we face that we are lost. The noted British Strategy analyst Liddel Hart warned that htis could happen and it would be as big a threat as Communism, but it fell on deaf ears.

The answer as always is in the Rings of Violence. Read the below paper and pay special attention to the Strategic Targets which we have done very little to Affect after all this money,time,and blood.

The "Magic Triangle" of targeting is Manpower,Money,and Media. We do pretty good at degrading the manpower but I was shocked to find how little we have affected Money and Media, both of which are critical for operations and recruiting.

Until we get back to creating an Affect against the right target in order to create the desired Effect we are just Target plinking until the next election.

Link to paper Unleashing Warden's Rings!

Until we can face the fact that there will be NO end as long as there is a book, a religion and religious leaders that preach that it is OK to kill for Allah. There will only be Targets and the never ending Mission.