Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post

I remain puzzled at the apparent disregard of 'right-wing extremism' in the USA, especially when police officers are murdered.

As I have posted elsewhere disregard, inadequate intelligence and policing are not unique to the USA. Look at Germany, posts 144 onwards:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/...?t=5483&page=8

Here in the UK we have made mistakes, thankfully without much loss of life and I cannot recall a 'right-wing extremist' attack on the police (excluding street disorders, most recently with EDL). At one point 'Searchlight Magazine' was the most consistent watcher of the extreme right, supplying the Special Branch with information and exposing their activity:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Searchlight_%28magazine%29
From a media perspective this is true, but not from a law enforcement perspective. It is treated as a serious threat. It is so common place I suspect the media doesn't consider it news worthy unless something big happens. It surprised me the media didn't put a spot light on Arian Nation's support for AQ after 9/11.

The US military went through a purge period in the 90s to get rid of suspected right wing extremists, and of course the KKK has been a terrorist group since the end of our civil war. Pretty old hat and manageable for now. They usually don't attract the brightest nor bravest.