Here some more arguments to make friends with Assad.

Some thus might consider the following 'shocking', I know, but well, when one runs such a comprehensive CW-project, it's easy to forget some unimportant details....

UN: Syria Declares Another 4 Chemical Facilities
Syria has declared four chemical weapons facilities it hadn't mentioned before, a special representative of the U.N. secretary-general told the Security Council on Tuesday. The news heightened concerns that the Syrian government hasn't been fully open about its chemical weapons program.

Diplomats said Sigrid Kaag told them during closed consultations that three of the facilities are for research and development and one is for production, and that no new chemical agents have been associated with the four sites.
The OPCW has said the dismantling of Syria's chemical weapons facilities is expected to begin this month, and the first of the 12 facilities should be destroyed by the end of November. The global chemical weapons watchdog also has said it is still working with the government to resolve discrepancies in its chemical weapons declaration.

Kaag also told diplomats Tuesday that an OPCW fact-finding mission found chlorine had been used "systematically and repeatedly" in attacks as recently as August, Power tweeted.

Lithuania's mission to the U.N. tweeted: "Connect the dots: @OPCW sure chlorine used in #Syria, witnesses saw it dropped by helicopters, which only Assad has. Who's responsible?"
Oh, and for fans of the 'Syrian Arab Army', here an Afghan colonel seen while being picked out of rubble of his HQ in Hindarat, and then interrogated by IF insurgents (don't worry, it's not graffic, just a little blood at his head):

Funny to see a member of what so many still consider the 'Syrian Arab Army' (actually one of involved IRGC gangs) needs an interpreter to talk with Syrian insurgents.

Except, of course, one has no clue about Arabic and considers the later for 'foreign Jihadists'...