As I have stated earlier, the Iranian issue should not be a US led issue. Any course of action pursued against the Iranians needs to be led by China, Japan, Germany, France, and South Korea. These nations remain the largest trading partners with the Iranians, thus have the most to gain/lose if instability and military action take over. If the Japanese, Chinese, and French want to demonstrate their place as great nations within the international community, this is the time. We (the US) need to take a back-seat on this one.

Why are we so concerned if the Iranians have a nuclear weapon? Like the North Koreans, they have no means to deliver it to the US, so what is the major concern? Terrorism? Is Iran having the bomb and terrorizing the US the true concern, or is it that the Iranians or potentially Hizbollah would use it against Israel? Are we prepared to go to war with the whole Muslim Middle East over a State that most now agree was a mistake, a destabilizing factor in the region, and done only out of pity? (and came about as the result of a terrorist campaign against the British?)

For all the Reagan fanatics, maybe if we had addressed the issues with Hizbollah in 1983, things would be different now.

Are we truly concerned about a nuclear terrorist attack against the US b/c we continue to remain woefully unprepared for any attack against our nation? Is it because our borders remain undefended and provide virtually unfettered access? Instead of starting a conflagration in Iran, how about we fix our border and port security first. I am sure this will cost less both in money and lives?