Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
The Ukrainian SF guerrilla fight is getting results.

The killed are the Russian general Sergei Andreychenko,Chechen commander for the special forces in Mariupol Andrey Borisov +2 elite troops.

#BREAKINGNEWS Ukrainian special forces from battalion Dnepr-1 kill 4 key Russian soldiers in #Telmanovo
Appears that these Russian troops were a key Russian intel team and then this followed up the reporting on their being killed.

Total Russian media silence on the blogging reports which in the past is a positive indicator that the event occurred.

AGAIN notice the use of OSCE vehicles in full violation of the OSCE mandate of neutrality for the Ukraine.

#Report Russian forces are searching for their missing key intelligence troops btw.#Telmanovo and #Novoazovsk , also using #OSCE vehicles