Kobane, Kobane, Kobane.... (and 'bad ally' Turkey, of course)...

Everybody is talking about Kobane as if it's the only place in Syria where there is combat. Actually, it seems the YPG and FSyA in Kobane have stopped the Daesh onslaught on this town. That is: the Daesh is now in control of two thirds of Kobane, but unable to advance any further.

On the contrary, the Kurds and FSyA are meanwhile launching counterattacks and recapturing some points. That is at least according to the SOHR, the YPG killed 13 Daesh yesterday while retaking two checkpoints in Kobane, and overall, the Daesh should have lost 42 idiots during the fighting there.

Ironic about the situation is that there are thousands of Kurds fighting for the Daesh too (i.e. there might be more of them fighting for the Daesh but for the YPG). Here a - warning: GRAFFIC - video of YPG and Deash-Kurds massacring each other:

More importantly...

Syrian regime continues its offensive north of Aleppo, attempting to clear insurgents from the area around the Infantry School, north of this city, and complete the encirclement of insurgents by reaching Nubol and az-Zahra - two regime-controlled Shi'a enclaves NW of Aleppo, presently supplied only through a - what else - Kurdish-held parts of NW Aleppo Province.

This offensive began the last week, and is almost completely run by the IRGC and Hezbollah: the NDF is only providing tank- and artillery support. After exploiting withdrawal of the JAN from some of local positions, this operation had quite some success early on. Meanwhile it was stalled after reaching Hindarat: the IF counterattacked there and temporarily captured the place, but then lost it and is now holding out on the outskirts, as can be seen on this video:

Another example of IRGC-combatants captured by insurgents at Hindarat appeared meanwhile in form of this video: this bloke says he served a sentence for drug-smuggling in an Iranian jail, until the IRGC offered him to go fighting in Syria for a pay of US$600 a month (almost as good as that of IRIAF pilots!):

Elsewhere in Syria: the regime - that is: several IRGC-run brigades - have managed to overpower the last defenders of Jobar. This place was under a siege and continuous intensive attacks by elements of the Republican Guards (meanwhile largely suplanted by the IRGC) for more than two years. With this, the insurgent-held parts of Eastern Ghouta are now completely encircled and under a siege too.

Except for plenty of Iraqi Shi'a, the IRGC has lost one of its officers there: Maj Jabar Drissavi was KIA a few days ago. He was the second-highest IRGC officer KIA in Syria so far (after Maj Gen Abdollah Eskandari).

Further to this, at least according to the article here, the Hezbollah should have suffered a loss of no less but 840 KIA and 2,400 WIA in the war so far - and this not only during the fighting against Syrian insurgents and the JAN in Syria and Lebanon, but in Iraq too.