This is coming from the man who stated publicly Russia was not in violation of the Budapest Memorandum, who stated he was not sending Russian troops into the Ukraine and openly stated that territory inside the Ukraine was "New Russia" and who annexed the Crimea.

This is the same person who declared the Putin Doctrine meaning he can "defend" Russian speakers around the world, and changed the territorial borders of a European country for the first time since 1945.

AND yet he talks about international law as if he is an expert and follows to the letter all agreements Russia has ever signed.

This is another perfect example of Putin's "altered state of reality".

Today from RIA:

MOSCOW, October 14 (RIA Novosti) – The events in Ukraine showed that the international law is in deep crisis as many international human rights organizations turn a blind eye to crimes against civilians in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

“They [the events in Ukraine] have demonstrated a large-scale crisis of the international law, basic norms of the Universal declaration in human rights and the convention to prevent genocide,” Putin said at a meeting of the Kremlin human rights council.

“We witnessed double standards in attitudes toward crimes against civilians in southeastern Ukraine, the violation of fundamental human rights – the right to live and the right for personal security. People there are subject to torture, cruel and humiliating treatment, discrimination and extrajudicial measures,” the president said.

“Unfortunately, many international organizations simply turn a blind eye to these facts,” he continued.