as usual Russia issues press releases and more threat towards the US and the fighting still goes on all the while blaming it on the Ukrainians---the usual standard "it ain't me" approach to international affairs by Russia.

#Putin threatens West not to put pressure on #Russia over #Ukraine, or else, mentions nuclear arsenal again.

Putin warns U.S. spat between nuclear powers over Ukraine crisis threatens global stability:

In #Komsomolske, Donetsk region, #Ukraine DRG liquidated in abandoned foundry storage up to 10 #Russian terrorist howitzers & GRAD vehicles.

BREAKING Via #Rovenky to #Donetsk #Russian army vehicles are constantly driving. One of the vehicle black number plate was Р1 010 РФ АМУР.

#BREAKINGNEWS Russian invasion forces intensify their offensive towards Lysichiansk, attacking 5 Ukr-held villages.