The problem here is not whether or not torture works reliably. Most will agree that it is not a reliable means to gain information. The problem the definition of torture. These two use a definition that is so broad that it crosses the line to absurdity. Sleep deprivation is torture? In that case war crimes are being commited every day against our own troops at the RTB and the Rowe Training Facility. Detention is SUPPOSED to be unpleasant. Big hugs, sloppy kisses and warm cookies aren't going to convince any hardened bad guy to talk. I understand not beating the guy up or pulling out his fingernails. I get it. I do. But come on. If we are not allowed to do anything even mildly unpleasant in order to assuage the sensitivity of the public then what incentive does a bad guy have to talk? Why not just hang out, enjoy the three hots and a cot and wait until he gets released?