Wow--first Russian complains of being constantly "humiliated by the West because they were a superpower"--NOW it is the reverse Russia does not want to be WHAT a "superpower?---really?

Russia doesn't claim superpower's role - Putin

SOCHI. Oct 24 (Interfax) - Russia is not going to portray itself as a superpower, but it will not allow interference in its internal affairs, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

"Does Russia claim the role of a superpower's? No. This is quite a burden for us. What do we need this for? We need a lot of resources, time and strength to develop our own territories. We don't need to meddle anywhere and command anything, but don't you meddle in our affairs, don't pose as arbiters of the world's fates - and that's it. If Russia's leadership in anything is possible, then it's in defending international law," Putin said at a plenary session of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi on Friday.

Russia believes that, instead of imposing one's interests on others, it should help build a balanced system of relations in the world, he said.

"Can it be that someone might not reckon with anything, while we can't defend our vital interests and those of the Russian-speaking people and the Russian population in Crimea? It can't be this way. And I want everyone to come to understanding this. You should get rid of this temptation and attempts to comb the world as you see fit but build a balanced system of interests and relations, which was stipulated long ago, and all you should do is treat this with respect," Putin said.

"Yes, we perfectly understand that the world has changed, and we are ready to listen to this and adjust this system accordingly. But we can't allow our interests to be fully ignored, and will never allow this," he said.