
According to the news in North America, both the culprits in Canada (the shooter, and driver) planned to go to Syria and fight with ISIS, but had their passports revoked.

In the U.S. we had 3 teenage girls get as far as Germany in their attempt to join ISIS.

They determined quite some time ago the hatchet guy in NYC was attacking in the name of Islam, but kept it quiet for awhile.

It appears that in Canada and the guy in NYC, we're looking at your general loser, mentally ill, drug abuse, etc., who are looking for something to identify with, and for whatever reason ISIS's outreach program via the web and social media has an appeal.


Thompson converted to Islam two years ago and then at some point self-radicalized, John Miller, the NYPD's deputy counterterrorism chief, told reporters Friday. Miller said Thompson was self-directed in his actions, and he had no affiliations with any particular group.

Thompson was unemployed, and police said his parents described their son as a depressed recluse who spent much of his time online.

A common theme in his social media presence was "anti-Western, anti-government and in some cases anti-white," Miller said.
On a side note, they just captured the guy who shot and killed to deputies in CA, so this is a tragic period for police in the U.S.. It always seems one shooting begets another, and I suspect media coverage has a fair amount to do with that. Sounds like the guy in California is nothing more than criminal scum, more tomorrow if it turns to be different.