I was kidding you, Bill; the rest was not meant specifically for you.

And regarding the rest: the fight between the SRF and the JAN was provoked by money, i.e. distribution of money earned from smuggling oil from fields under insurgent and JAN control. The SRF - significant parts of which were withdrawn out of Syria for re-training and re-arming to fight the Daesh - found itself without solution but to start arresting JAN commanders that felt emboldened by minimalized SRF presence.

The JAN - apparently reinforced by parts of Ahrahr ash-Sham and definitely reinforced by all of Jund al-Aqsa - then started bribing some of SRF commanders to defect. This worked in perhaps 2-3 cases, but it didn't in others. Even so, the SRF's position was weak because so many fighters are away, and the JAN finally assaulted.

This simply shouldn't have happened:

a) The idea of withdrawing insurgents for re-training abroad is stupid, stupid, and stupid, and if nobody in the DC ever realized that this would - at least 'temporarily' - weaken insurgent position, and then cause jealousy between other groups, he/she belongs being locked somewhere and the keys thrown away...

b) I simply do not understand how nobody in the USA can understand this: the ####in' MONEY is the core issue in this war. Only well-funded groups can function and fight. Without money, no insurgency can recruit and arm - nor win, especially not against opponents like the regime (funded by Iran), Daesh (funded by whoever only van fund them), and such groups like the JAN (funded the way al-Qaida is funded, obviously in quite effective fashion then otherwise it wouldn't exist for 20+ years). And versa-vice: all sorts of extremists are flourishing there PRECISELY BECAUSE they are all WELL FUNDED. Exactly this is leaving moderates without a choice but to leave, and that's why idiots like Obama then 'can say', 'there're no moderates to find in Syria'.

No US/Saudi supported body in Syria (like the SRF is one) should lack money or have to fight for it. Until this changes, nothing is going to change there. And nothing is going to change, because insurgents will still have to fight the Jihadists and the Daesh, or between each other, instead against the regime.

Lookie here:
- The next FSyA affiliate, Dawn of Freedom Brigades, has given the JAN 72 hours to return captured areas, or it will attack.

- But the JAN can't care less. Instead, there are now reports that the JAN is massing in Sarmada, in northern Idlib, near Bab al-Hawa border crossing to Turkey. If they capture that place, they'll cut off all insurgents in northern Syria from links to Turkey.

Such reports in turn might have prompted somebody in the DC to activate his/her second, perhaps even the third brain cell, then somebody there suddenly started thinking logically - at least a little bit:
US Officials Consider Striking Another Militant Group in Syria:
...U.S. officials are weighing whether to broaden the air campaign in Syria to strike a militant group that is a rival to the Islamic State and that is poised to take over a strategically vital corridor from Turkey.

Extremists from the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group were said Monday to be within a few miles of the Bab *al-Hawa crossing in northwestern Syria on the Turkish border, one of only two openings through which the moderate Free Syrian Army receives military and humanitarian supplies provided by the United States and other backers.

Over the weekend, rebels said Jabhat al-Nusra forces swept through towns and villages controlled by the Free Syrian Army in Idlib province, west of Aleppo. Rebel groups associated with the Free Syrian Army were routed from their main strongholds, with scores of fighters fleeing toward Turkey or defecting to join the militants, according to opposition activists.

Apart from one attack by Tomahawk missiles against an *al-Qaeda cell within Jabhat al-Nusra in late September,when the Syrian airstrikes began, U.S. and Arab warplanes have been targeting the Islamic State, a separate group that the administration has made clear is its primary target in Iraq and Syria.
Overall, all of this remains too little, too late - and too stupid.