Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
A solid thread to follow as it is at the heart and core of the Russian attempts to undermine the EU through their "fellow travelers" the neo right, ultra nationalists and fascists---which for some might be a contradiction in terms since Russia evolved out a Communism.

kaur---same story but in French ---France's far-right got a loan from a Russian bank thanks to an MEP who was also an "election observer" in Donetsk http://www.mediapart.fr/journal/fran...illions-russes

This time a "Russian fellow traveler from the old Communist days"--notice how he is parroting the Russian FMs comments of a "civil war":

#Ukraine's Foreign Ministry responds to #Czech president’s claim of ‘ civil war’ in Ukraine

Trust in the Czech President after his pro Russian "fellow travelers comments" yesterday drops.

#Zeman Under Fire: Czechs' trust in their president plummets following Ukraine comments

Most Czechs do recall 1968.