Only a small part cited:
Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
What is interesting is the figures from the UK---estimated 2000 at the low end.
This estimate comes from a Birmingham Labour MP, a Muslim, who sometimes can be a prolific quote provider. He has given little to support his estimate, other than this:
The authorities say there are 500 British jihadists but the likely figure is at least three to four times that...I think 2,000 is a better estimate. My experience in Birmingham is it is a huge, huge problem.

The MP has been saying this since June 2014, so the timing of repeating the estimate appears to coincide with a new government campaign, alongside new CT legislation with some curious features. See:

I shall refrain from commenting on Outlaw's other points; I do agree with him on counter-messaging is a huge gap in our response, but then I have said that on the UK thread on this topic.