Quote Originally Posted by aktarian
A state is more responsive to threats and can be influenced by other means (economics mostly) than some non-stae group. And stable state has an interest in long term development while country in anarchy doesn't.

Globaly. If they stop exports (or limit them) there will be shortage of oil on market which will drive prices up, including for US.
I am not advocating threatening an insurgent group in Iran - I am advocating supporting them.

Yes, prices would go up short term. In the medium/long term, Iran cannot afford not to sell. I doubt they have been saving for a rainy day.

I am all for destabilizing the ME with a very few exceptions. It never has been all that stable anyway and the status quo gets a lot of people killed.

There are rooms that simply cannot be cleared. Sometimes you have to throw a grenade in and close the door and move on.