Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
In some cases you will reach success only through almost heroic effort, but if something makes little if any economic sense you have to ask yourself Pyotr Shumakov's question: 'Who needs this “heroic harvest?’

If you are forced to do heroic deeds very often in business to just tread water then you are doing something wrong or are in a bad spot in a bad business.

It has been also obvious for a while that not only the farmer in this area have a hard time to get a credit or to serve their old one. I remember that in a short piece from Moscow after the second round of Western sanctions they interviewed people in the market and then a farmer. The consumers were almost elated by the 'superior' quality of Russian food, making the switch to the rather gloomy small farmer even more marked. The latter talked pretty much about the same issues, lack of credit and thus little investment. While some with enough capital and possibly connections will expand production it will be hard for the small and medium farms to follow suite in similar fashion.
Seems the current Russia failed to remember the Soviet days that also failed for the exact same reasons it is now---massive corruption and planned state economic decisions.