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Thread: Pakistani internal security (catch all)

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  1. #17
    Council Member
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    May 2006
    Calcutta, India


    Is the indignation in Pakistan genuine and will it last?

    Sharif has said that there is no good Taliban.

    But has he acted?

    Hafeez Saeed the mastermind of the Mumbai carnage roams free even though he has been declared by the UN and the US as a terrorist. US has put a bounty on his head.

    Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, accused of planning the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai in which 166 people were killed six years ago has been granted bail.

    These are all cosmetic stuff. Nothing will change.

    Salmaan Taseer, 26th governor of the province of Punjab from 2008 was assassinated in early 2011 by his own security guard Mumtaz Qadri, who disagreed with Taseer's opposition to Pakistan's blasphemy law.

    The Jamaat Ahle Sunnat, an Islamic religious organisation representing the Barelvi movement, issued an advisory against mourning his death. They also declared Qadri a "hero of the Muslim world."

    Pakistan A Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan commander in South Waziristan said that Taseer would have been assassinated anyway "very soon" even if he had not been killed by Qadri.

    Politicians of Pakistan 'mourned' his death, but the Govt remained impotent and scared.

    Those who understand the Pakistan psyche will know that a leopard can't change its spots.

    Hilary Clinton has warned Pakistan by stating "It's like that old story - you can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbours. Eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard",

    Clinton said this during a joint news conference with Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar.

    Pak Army and the ISI has spawned the Taliban for strategic reasons.

    But these depraved people the Taliban has bitten the hand that feeds by killing children of the Army that sponsors them.

    Will the Army forgive?

    Maybe since they have strategic reasons to foist a 'strategic weapon' of their creation even if it is a Frankenstein.


    Is there a difference between Islam and Terror?

    Must be, but the whole image is blurring since the Islamic countries and people themselves are doing sweet nothing to rein in these elements or make strident campaigns against those, who they claim is giving Islam a 'bad name'.

    The passivity translates as unsaid unequivocal support.

    They have even taken on Australia. It is cute to call it a 'lone wolf' attack. Lone Wolf? What made him join the wolf pack is what is the million dollar question that requires to be nipped in the bud and not get into political correctness of calling it a 'lone wolf' issues.

    Too many 'lone wolves' seem to be howling at the Moon of Islam world ascendancy.

    It is time for the world to smell the coffee and be serious about this scourge.

    Islam has it place and it must be given its space. But it cannot transcend on others' space either.

    The fundamentalist Islam is spawning neo Nazis around the world and that too is dangerous.

    Germany recently had a Neo Nazi march that was well attended by even those who were not sympathisers. People around the world are getting radicalised because of the Islam aggressive advent and activities.

    It is time to make the world an area of peace and not of strife on stupid reasons.


    Imran Awan, a British academic is the typical fraud cloaking his thoughts with fraudulent ideas claiming Killed for Simply Going to School, Don't Blame Religion - Blame Terror

    Good man, who sponsored Terror in the first place. Let's go back to that Machiavellian bloke Zia, who pampered Islamists to give legitimacy to his illegitimate government?

    And why has religion not fought back against those who terrorise in the name of religion, if that is false in Islam?

    His contention is the stupidity that is perpetrated by this so called 'intellectuals' to divert from the crux of the issue. Islam is a religion of Peace! If so, do something and go after them and annihilate them, so that there is Peace. Sticks and Stones can alone harm them, woolly woolly esoteric talk wont.
    Last edited by Ray; 12-18-2014 at 11:34 AM.

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