March issue of National Defense - Leathernecks Sharpen Focus on Cultural Awareness.

The Marine Corps has launched an effort to improve the ability of its troops to cope with the complex cultural issues that they are encountering in anti-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations.

Here, at the headquarters of the Corps’ Combat Development Command, the Marines in May 2005 established a center for advanced operational culture learning...

Until now, cultural and language training have been uneven and uncoordinated throughout the Corps...

In 2004, the Marine commandant, Gen. Michel W. Hagee, decided to centralize pre-deployment training within the Combat Development Command at Quantico.

Later that year, when Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis took over the command, he saw the need for enhanced cultural training. Mattis had commanded troops in first Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan and most recently in Iraq, where he headed the 1st Marine Division. “General Mattis ordered all of the cultural training gathered together in this one center,”...

An immediate focus is to help the service’s new foreign military training unit—a component of the emerging Marine Corps Special Operations Command—prepare for its mission. The FMTU was stood up in October 2005 to provide basic military schooling and advisors for the troops of friendly nations.

Eventually, however, the center wants to offer the training to all deploying Marines through a combination of briefings, role-playing, and distance learning.

Courses already are being developed, starting with Quantico’s Basic School, where newly minted second lieutenants polish their skills, and the Expeditionary Warfare School, where captains learn the fine points of command and control, air-ground coordination and amphibious operations...
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