Let's see, where do we start with Mr. Dallek's article.

First the "surge" isn't a fundamental change in the way the war is prosecuted, it is just a simple increase in the number of troops. Okay....

The ARVN couldn't and wouldn't fight. Didn't they provide all the ground combat forces that stopped the Easter Offensive in 1972?

The TET offensive showed VC strength. Well, yes it did. He doesn't mention that it also shattered that strength never to recover.

Ending the war in Vietnam enhanced the international credibility of the US. That is a bit inconsistant with my sad memories of the late 70's.

He forgot to make one last point about Vietnam. I'll make it for Mr. Dallek. The loss in Vietnam also resulted in the millions of innocent people losing their lives and in decades of misery for more millions. Since the point of his article is how things apply to Iraq, I think this thing applies most directly of all.