Hi John,

Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
My theory was somewhat like yours but with a longer historical perspective. My problem is that I don't think that our explanations get at as much of the reason for this process of ignoring our past and, moreover, rejecting it as I previously thought. Hence, my - what Marct calls - dissertation question.
Obviously more once I get your paper <grin>.

Part of the reason why I put up all the "neo-Orwellian" (pace to Mark ) definitions. At an institutional level, specifically related to what Malinowski called the "Charter" of the institution, there is a very interesting situation: the "foundation myth" of the US Army, at least, is based around the archetypal character of the Defensor Hominem, but the myth sequences, at least coming from the Revolution, are closer to the David and Goliath myth.

The "problem", at least as I am seeing it, is that this myth structure doesn't support a COIN mentality, in part, because of the basic foundation myth coming out of the Revolution. Basically, in the "myth" of the Revolution, you have characters, the Hessians, (analogs of the Philistines) who are defined as "evil" - the antithesis of the "Good" (i.e. the Continental army). What "tasks" were the Hessians involved in? COIN.

I'm fully expecting John and Steve to jump in on this . I don't think it is "the answer", but I think it is a part of an answer.
