The Netherlands is funding a study on how the EU can fight back against Russia’s “information war”, in one of several counter-propaganda initiatives.
The Dutch-sponsored study was launched in January by the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), a Brussels-based foundation.

Alastair Rabagliati, the EED’s director of operations, told EUobserver: “We’ve launched an initiative, with the support of a Dutch government grant, which will develop a feasibility study with clear recommendations on the way forward for the development of independent Russian language media initiatives”.

“It’ll aim to consolidate different free media and enable new actors in the Russian language info-sphere - TV, social media, internet portals - in order to optimise co-operation".

EU sources say the grant is worth about €500,000 and the initial report is due before a summit of former Soviet and EU states in Riga in May.