EP security points to Farage group in 'Red Dalia' dispute.

The distribution in the European Parliament of a controversial book accusing Lithuania's president Dalia Grybauskaite of having worked for Soviet Russia has been linked to the eurosceptic EFFD group led by British MEP Nigel Farage.

Over 700 copies of the controversial book, which alleges that the president worked for Russia’s Soviet-era spy agency, were placed in MEPs’ pigeonholes.

Following a complaint by Liberal Lithuanian MEP Antanas Guoga, and a separate intellectual property complaint by the book’s author, Ruta Janutiene, who said she never gave anyone permission to translate it, the EP’s directorate-general for security has concluded that “Red Dalia” was distributed on 10 December by EFDD secretariat member Kevin Ellul Bonici.

The findings of the internal investigation were meant to be confidential, but were leaked to the media by Guoga.

The letter from the security directorate, addressed to EP president Schulz, says Bonici on the day in question “invited two guests into parliament, one Russian citizen, and one Polish citizen who was born in Moscow”.