A useful contribution via WoTR by Lorenzo Vidrino, a European SME, which will be copied to the Paris attacks thread too: 'Wrong assumptions, integration, responsibility and counterterrorism in France':http://warontherocks.com/2015/01/wro.../?singlepage=1

This passage needs some explanation or sources, with my emphasis:
On the other side, the rhetoric (particularly in some quarters of the U.S. debate) about the French suburbs (banlieues) often populated by large minority communities) is largely exaggerated. It is undeniable that areas like Les Minguettes in Venissieux (Lyon) or Clichy sous Bois (outside of Paris) are not exactly St. Tropez or central Paris. But they are not the lawless and squalid “no-go” zones they are often made out to be. In fact, based on crime rates, health care, education, and public transportation, the banlieues are actually significantly better off than neglected cities and communities in the United States.