Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post

War Is Exploding Anew In Ukraine; Rebels Vow More

Surprise to who exactly? Our diplomats?

As for Russia's economy, all the more reason to attack to maintain national identity. One also should wonder how long King Saud's successor will keep oil prices suppressed.
Bill--here is IMHO the core problem with this administration---the headlines scream "war is exploding" but what occurred yesterday was the first time I have seen an "actual declaration of war" being voiced in the mass media--AND notice Putin and his FM backed it up immediately with their own comments AND not a single comment out of this administration--not an urgently called NSC, not an urgently called press conference, not a demand for an immediate UNSC meeting---nothing, zero, nada occurred and or was stated yesterday from this administration.

This is where we differ--Russia is the greatest actual threat seen by us since 9/11--why because a crazy has his finger on the nuclear button and he jokingly stated a few months ago he could destroy the US in under a half hour---nowhere have I seen that threat verbalized by IS--not even AQ has gone that far in their many threats they have uttered over the years.

Breaking: Mariupol city shelling reported

Video from #Mariupol
#Mariupol: #Russkies #Grad|s hit residence buildings
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3P2MlDQhCs …”

BREAKING: Heavy rockets hit government-held #Ukraine port of #Mariupol: mayor’s office - AFP

#Azov regiment says there r wounded civilians as a result of E #Mariupol shelled. Resid area, market affected

Russian Grad rockets hit Mariupol Ukraine as Russian forces advance on the city. Civilian casualties are reported