Thanks for the support I was expecting a reply or two, but as always SWJ went the extra mile.

The original idea for the thesis was on Boko Haram, but after a literary review turned up next to nothing useful. I was advised to shift towards the problem of Boko Haram in the context of Nigeria. This has developed into a working problmatique on What are the conditions in Nigeria that have allowed Boko Haram to establish itself and prosper?

I have initially divided the conditions into corruption issues, religious issues, ethnic and tribal issues, influence from outside state and non-state actors, BH itself and a host of other smaller things jotted into my notebook that need to be explored.

I have some time as the thesis is due at the end of July 2015. As part of my program I will finish with classes next month and begin an internship in March. The initial plan was to find an internship in the region with an NGO or government agency, but advice from others and initial responses were that this would be impossible to support. As of right now my hopes are to land a position as an intern with a think-tank and work from there.

I appreciate all and any help although as finals and other papers are in the coming weeks, I will be slower in response.