Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post

I differ a little from David's view, the best information on this problem currently is classified, only because there hasn't been a lot of open source research on this problem. There are a few valuable open source researchers working this. Send me a PM and let me know where you're going to school. This would certainly be a worthwhile contribution.

Ensure you look at the West Point's CTC website, and I'll send you some others later.

It is also worth finding any open source information you can on the impact of the collapse of Libya and the mass proliferation of fire arms throughout the region, to include all the way down to Nigeria.

Thanks for the reply. One of my first steps was the CTC website and an email to the director. He's a busy man, but was generous enough to point me in the direction of a few individuals working the issue.

Interesting you should mention the collapse of Libya. I had the opportunity to listen to Bernard Lugan, French historian of Africa, explain the effects of the collapse of Libya on the greater Sahel and Sub-Saharan region and the mass proliferation of arms by groups that has occurred was a major point. If by chance you read French his blog (http://bernardlugan.blogspot.fr/) has a range of incites on everything African although his answer that there is no viable solution to most of the problems isn't very encouraging.