
I think many Western observers expect the Jordanian public to react as they did after the hotel bombings in November 2005, when polling found a marked shift against AQ:
In a survey of over 1,000 Jordanians by the survey firm Ipsos, conducted for the Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad, as reported by the New York Times, two-thirds of Jordanians asked said they had changed their view of Al Qaeda after the bombings. More than 87 percent also said they considered Al Qaeda a terrorist organization, and almost as many said that Al Qaeda’s acts of terror did not represent Islam. In previous surveys in Jordan, Al Qaeda had enjoyed approval ratings upward of 60 percent.
Link not id'd as wrong source on footnote

As one article suggested will the two executed become martyrs, in Jordan or elsewhere.

I doubt any local, official message will become known easily. Does the Jordanian state do info ops anyway or just rely on fear?